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Twice a month or so, Stereogum takes a break from its usual programming (slamming records that haven’t even been released yet, constantly fanboying over Death Cab for Cutie, etc.) and runs perhaps the most brilliant feature on a blog today: The Old Stand. They find an old music magazine in a musty basement, dust it off, and post scans and commentary on the vintage articles for the readers’ enjoyment. Maybe it’s just because I’m a archivist-in-waiting, but I can’t help but squeal with glee when a new Old Stand is published. I have at least 2,000 old music magazines sitting around in my own musty basement (a good portion older than I am, but then again, I’ve always sworn I was born too late) and absolutely adore seeing readers’ responses to these little nostalgia nuggets.

If you’re up for a trip down memory lane – or even a first-time stroll in certain time periods, if you’re like me and born way past what you believe to be music’s heydey – make sure to read and savor these posts while you can.

(Source: Stereogum)

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